TouchCon “Ad Scan Reward Platform”
Symbol : TOC
•First issue : 2018. 05
•Market capitalization : $8,000,000 USD
•Block generation cycle : 15sec / 20tps
•Block Reward : 1.34 TOC
•Agreement protocol : PoW(DPoS transition plan)
•Hashing Algorithm : Ethash
•Total Supply : 315,313,225 TOC
•Circulation Supply : 80,913,225 TOC
•Web site :
•Block explorer:
Coin Introduction
The TouchCon scans the Smart QR Code (SQC) to be used for advertisement of goods and services, and connects the user who wants to receive the password money and the advertiser who needs the information data of such users (block) Is an advertising scanning compensation platform.
The platform called 'TouchCon QR' launched by Touchcon will compensate the TouchCon randomly by scanning the SQC used in the advertisement. A variety of online and offline stores will utilize SQC to gain strong sales and brand promotions.
SQC is a code that is randomly encoded with the value of the TouchCon and is designed to be compensated at random through scanning. Once scanned code can not be reused. Advertisers subscribed to the TAA can purchase and use SQCs annually. TouchCon will provide all services such as creation, payment, remittance and sale of TouchCon as one-stop through 'TouchCon QR' application to be launched in 2Q 2019.
Coin Feature
1. TAA (TouchCon Advertiser Alliance)
It is an abbreviation of 'TouchCon Advertiser Federation' and it is an alliance of companies all over the world that will use SQC as advertising and promotional means. They can utilize SQC for their products and services, as well as receive big data services on customer consumption trends to be analyzed by TouchCon AI. TAA advertisers will be screened and assigned to SQC. If two or more companies apply for the same industry, only one company will be selected through voting. The TouchCon to be issued annually are limited to 10 Million TOCs and will be operational for 10 years starting from 2019.
2. The Ad Marketing Reward Program (AMRP)
It is a powerful ecosystem rewards program that feeds SQC proceeds sold to TAA advertisers to the touchcon community as an 'advertising marketing reward program'. AMRP distributes the total proceeds divided into four areas. Each year, the exchange purchases TouchCon and distributes them to each holder wallet. This will increase the value of the TouchCon.
3. TJS (TouchCon Juror System)
It is a very powerful system for decentralization as a 'TouchCon jury system' and has a supervisory function for the TouchCon ecosystem. A total of 23 jurors will be elected by community ballot, and anyone with a minimum of 100,000 TOCs will be eligible. The term is two years and can not be repeated. It is deeply involved in the TouchCon ecosystem as a whole, and also acts as a representative node when the PoW agreement algorithm is switched to DPoS in the future. This system is a system of philosophical ideas of TouchCon for decentralization. They are entitled to use 3% of the SQC amount every year as their own funds.
4. TouchCon was distributed to ICO by 22.997% of the maximum issue volume
15.984% were distributed to foundations and developers, and 2.664% were distributed to global businesses. In addition, 31.714% will be generated by Ad Scan Reward for 10 years and 26.640% will be mined for about 30 years through the PoW agreement algorithm. Fifteen percent (15.984%) of the Foundation and the developers are LockUp for two years and are used for TouchCon ecosystem. Therefore, the circulation of circulation in the market will be around 80 million.
5. The TouchCon has a very strong business model as a password.
SQC, which is provided by 'TouchCon QR' platform, is a system that sells to on-line advertisers and then returns sales proceeds back to the touch con- verter. In particular, touchcon platform is a BM that encourages the participation of the general public voluntarily by creating a system called Scan Random Compensation (Korean Patent Registration Application 2018-04) rather than simple compensation. This will act as a catalyst to activate the ecosystem by acting as a bridge connecting the TouchCon to the real world.
Field of application
(Keyword: O2O creation of advertisement media Smart QR Code, scalability of various mining and air drop support platform through platform, SQC & User DB Matching Big Data Service)
1. O2O Advertising Marketing Smart QR Code
O2O advertisers can use SQCs, created by encoding TouchCon into popular QQs codes, for their products and services, resulting in more innovative sales. This is an advertising marketing tool that encodes a new compensation method called cryptography to existing Qial code, and it has evolved into a new compensation method that goes beyond conventional mileage or points or cash back compensation that does not change the essence value.
2. Mining and air drop through TouchCon platform Scalability
The initial platform supports touchcon ciphers, but in the second round of development, extensive mining and airdropping of other altocons will be made available for expansion in the O2O environment. This allows all cryptography to be provided with transparency, reliability, and a motif that can be achieved decentralized.
3. SQC & User DB Matching Big Data
If the users who are pursuing random compensation through acceleration of the TouchCon platform are accelerated, it is possible to acquire a DB that can grasp their consumption tendency. By matching SQC information with User data and collecting and extracting it on the basis of block chain, various big data analysis becomes possible. The third round of development will not only expand the cryptographic ecosystem, but also act as a catalyst to fuse the cryptography with the real world.
Developer Information
Corporation (Foundation) Name: PT. SIGI FOUNDATION
Corporate location: JAKARTA INDONESIA
Date established: 2018. 02
Number of employees: 12
Representative figures: Junbeom Lee, Suhalim Robby
Developer: Korea TouchBlock Technology Co., Ltd, CME SOFT Co., Ltd
TouchCon Distribution Economy
* TOC Max Supply: 315,313,225 TOC
Smart QR Code Remining(31.714%, 10 years) : 100,000,000 TOC
ICO(Private & Presale, 22.997%) : 72,513,225 TOC
Global Business(2.664%) : 8,400,000 TOC
Development Team(2.664%, LockUp for 2 years) : 8,400,000 TOC
Foundation & Capital Reserve(13.320%, LockUp for 2 years) : 42,000,000 TOC
Proof of Work(PoW) mining(26.640%, 30 years mining) : 84,000,000 TOC
Pre-mined Information
The first touch-cone total will be pre-mined 90% to 840,000,000,
10% is planned to be mined over 30 years with the PoW agreement algorithm.
However, 62.462% (524,686,775) were coin burned in December 2018 and March 2019 to activate the touch cone ecosystem, Currently, 37.537% (315,313,225) is distributed to the Touch Conne platform ecosystem.
Exchange listing information
TouchCon Social Network Service
Foundation e-mail :
Foundation Web Site :
Explorer :
Application : Touchcon QR
Twitter :
Bitcointalk :
Reddit :
Telegram :
facebook :
Medium :
Linkedin :
Discord :
Slack :
Indonesia Blog
17. Youtube
18. TOC Logo image
Press Release
▶TouchCon terdaftar di Mercatox Global Exchange
2019.02.08 INANEWS
▶TouchCon Mantapkan Posisi Dengan Terdaftar di Mercatox Global Exchange
2019.02.08 Radio Republik Indonesia
▶광고 스캔보상 ‘터치콘TOC’, 글로벌 메르카톡스(Mercatox) 거래소 상장
2019.02.07 NEWSTOWN
▶광고 스캔보상 ‘터치콘’ 플랫폼, 국제 암호화폐 거래소 STEX Exchange에 22일 상장
2019.01.23 NewsBrite
▶Industri Cryptocurrency Diprediksi Kian Menggeliat di 2019
▶Touchcon Hadirkan Smart QR Code untuk Platform Mining Cryptocurrency
▶Touchcon Kini Luncurkan Versi Baru 2.0
2019.01.02 Tribun techno
▶광고 보상형 코인 ‘터치콘’, 2019년 알파버전 사용발표 예정 등 본격 시동
2019.01.02 뉴스웍스
▶Kabar Gembira Bagi Penggemar Bit Coin, Touchcon Luncurkan Versi Baru 2.0
2018.12.28 nusantaratv
▶Cryptocurrency, are computer mining days fading?
2018.10.04 THE KOREA DAILY
▶터치콘 재단, 인도네시아 업체와 현지 합작법인 투자설립 양해각서(MOU) 체결
▶터치콘(TouchCon), 인도네시아 빗빅뱅 거래소에 상장, 활발한 거래 이어져
2018.08.16 시사매거진
▶터치콘파운데이션 자체 암호화폐 터치콘 TouchCon 프리세일 ICO 진행중,
2018.05.16 NewsBrite
▶QR 코드를 응용한 가상화폐 채굴 광고 마케팅 기법 등장
2018.05.04 한국일보
▶터치콘 재단 ‘4차산업혁명과 QR Code 신기술 플랫폼 세미나’ 성황
2018.04.11 BetaNews
▶터치콘 QR Code 광고주 증가세 ‘애드마이닝 참여’ 연내 전세계 5개국 100여 곳 확대
2018.03.28 한국경제TV
▶QR code 광고채굴 PoA ‘애드마이닝 플랫폼’ 런칭
2018.03.22 DailyGrid
▶‘터치콘 Ad Mining 플랫폼’ 암호화폐 채굴시장에 새로운 아이콘으로 ‘눈길’
2018.02.12 NewsBrite